Am I Alone?

How many times did you see yourself, alone?
Not being with someone??
Or used to doing things on your own?

Other people say "you like to be alone"

But "maybe" the truth is "you are alone because you don't want to get hurt" or "you enjoy the company of just being with yourself" and wanting to give yourself time to relax from everything that happened (you already know what I mean)

September 2012, I met someone from Manila, this guy was just sitting at the Luneta park with his skateboard, staring at the other teenagers who also do skateboarding. [My friends approached him because they think he is cute lol]

He started talking, only when we asked him questions, he was not really into it. We added him on Facebook, I chat with him for how many years, meet him sometimes. And up until now we are still connected to each other. He admitted that he doesn't have any friends now, unlike before he was high school and college. 

He told me it's fine to be alone, most of the time you don't have to depend on someone else. And then he added, "most people think they won't survive by themselves, that problems should be solved through talking to another person, or by sharing the problem with someone else. Instead of us thinking, researching about the solutions, we usually depend on what other people say"

I was also listening to a radio channel and the topic happened to be people who love to be alone [that was a long time ago]. That being alone, sometimes could be an individuals’ decision, or is affected by many factors. They also discussed how other people perceived individuals who prefer to be alone. Most of the surveyed results, they're depressed, self-centralized, boring, been bullied and there was no positive opinion!

So, I decided to ask people on social media sites, to what could be their opinion and even to my friends and family.

 "People prefer to be alone because. they've been hurt. might not necessarily be romantically hurt but emotionally hurt". -CJ

- Yes, this might be true for some, but not for the others. We people can get hurt in many ways. You can get emotionally, mentally or physically hurt, not just in the manner of being hurt because you are in love. And by these, it makes us avoid the things that will draw us to be hurt.

• "Peace of Mind". -Jared Dela Merced

- Another yes for me!!! Being alone is not that kinda bad, sometimes it'll help you out to think more about yourself. To relax from the people or things that stressed you out.

 "Emotionally disturbed, seeking for peacefulness + stand-alone character, would rather do things alone. have things their own way. But you know you've been peaceful too much when you suddenly wonder... "To whom will I share this peace with". 

- This statement summarizes most of the things an alone person would say why he/she wants to be alone. If you are emotionally disturbed, you might tend to hurt yourself, this might be caused by your environment or peers. At that point, you might as well choose to be alone most of the time [but not forevahhh!!], as what he has said in this statement you might want to think about of too much peacefulness.

Other than that Eva explains further what he said to this topic:

Emotionally/Mentally disturbed

You lost something very special. and you just can't simply take it. For instance, your relative, father or mother or a thing you consider most precious.

Stand-alone character

These are people who would do things by themselves. 'cause they may be thinking others aiding them would just be a nuisance to their accomplishment/achievement/goal. some of them may be thinking they couldn't be equaled as if everything is competitive...

Being alone indeed is too peaceful

We may feel comfortable but not for too long. yes, even just being alone may cause you a problem, you'll just have this kind of feeling of discomfort where you think that it's been too much like ang peaceful masyado.. parang gusto ko tong ishare sa iba and there from alone to lonely"

 "My Social Skills are very limited" -from a movie [don't know the title] just commented as gif by my sister, Rose Anne

- My sister was an introvert, she doesn't always go out, just focus on her academics. My mother and I have been disturbed because of this, and then she suddenly opens up and talked to us about it, that she doesn't have that confidence to converse well with other people, that she find it hard to talk to different people. Socializing for her was a big challenge. Though we are not forcing her to have friends at that time, we see progress, like her being open when it comes to her thoughts and what is happening to her at school. Before she wasn't even like that. I talk to my sister every day, ask her if what happened, how's her day -EVERYDAYYYY- and it did help a lot. I let my sister invite her classmates to our home whenever there's a group project so she'd be comfortable to socialize [because she knows I'm there to back up for her hahaha]. Social skills were considered a must nowadays for most jobs, and it was hard for others to overcome this.

It might help those people that you know that are lacking social skills or is in need of help, to talk to them every time, not bugging them, but try to be the one to start the conversation. And I bet'll be surprised because they're going to open up. 


I'm not a psychology graduate/student or even a consultant for this. I just wanted to write this topic as it caught my attention.

I hope that I'd help someone to conquer their fear of socializing with others [remember you're not the only person who is going through this] or at least clarify why there are people who just want to be alone. Because I do too, sometimes tends to choose to be alone to relax my mind from work, from my bills [lol] and etc.

And before I end typing or thinking about other words for this topic, here's a wonderful saying:

photo credit: Pinterest

Thank you for reading! 
Leave a comment or message me for any concerns! 

Spread Good Vibes as always! 

1 comment:

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